Routine Maintenance to Keep Your Site Working for You

Ensure Quality Results with Ongoing Website Support

Secure Continuous Website Excellence with Retained Website Support

  • Challenges Addressed

    • Frequent website updates and maintenance needs

    • Ongoing support for new integrations and features

    • Ensuring website performance and user experience

  • Impact on Business

    • Consistent website functionality and appearance

    • Quick resolution of issues and implementation of updates

    • Enhanced user satisfaction and engagement

What Retained Website Support Can Accomplish

  • Core Activities

    • Regular website maintenance and updates

    • Refining information architecture and page layout

    • Managing site integrations (email opt-in, scheduling, events, courses, memberships, ecommerce)

    • Providing platform and software recommendations

    • Enhancing SEO and Accessibility

    • Monitoring and improving page performance and user experience

    • Ongoing support for Squarespace websites

  • Key Deliverables

    • Timely updates and maintenance

    • Improved site performance and functionality

    • Summary reports on completed tasks and recommendations

What Retained Website Support Cannot Accomplish

  • Role Boundaries

    • Major redesign or complete website overhaul

    • Long-term strategic planning beyond the retainer scope

    • Tasks outside the agreed monthly hours or scope

The Process of Retained Website Support

  • Initial Consultation

    • Understanding business needs and goals

    • Defining the scope and monthly hours

    • Setting clear objectives and deliverables

  • Monthly Support Activities

    • Regular check-ins and updates

    • Prioritizing tasks based on business needs

    • Real-time feedback and iterative development

  • Ongoing Collaboration

    • Regular reporting and communication

    • Recommendations for future improvements

    • Optional follow-up consultations

Benefits of Retained Website Support

  • Consistent Quality

    • Regular maintenance ensures optimal website performance

    • Ongoing updates keep the site current and secure

  • Focused Expertise

    • Dedicated attention from an experienced website strategist

    • Tailored solutions to meet ongoing business needs

  • Cost Efficiency

    • Predictable monthly costs for budget management

    • Avoiding the need for costly emergency fixes

Unexpected Benefits

  • Proactive Improvements

    • Identifying and addressing potential issues before they escalate

  • Strategic Insights

    • Continuous optimization and enhancement opportunities

  • Enhanced Team Morale

    • Reduced stress and workload for internal teams

Costs and Cost-Savings

  • Typical Costs

    • Monthly retainer fees based on the agreed hours

    • Potential additional costs for supplementary services

  • Cost-Savings

    • Avoiding expensive, last-minute fixes

    • Maximizing ROI with consistent, high-impact support


  • Seamless Engagement Process

    • Simple and straightforward contract terms

    • Flexible scheduling to accommodate business needs

  • Proven Methodology

    • Tried-and-tested approach to website support

    • Testimonials and success stories from previous clients

  • Client-Focused Approach

    • Tailored approach to each client’s website challenges

    • Demonstrated success in delivering reliable website support

    • Links to portfolio projects; list of clients I’ve worked with

    • Building strong, collaborative relationships with clients

    • Commitment to achieving measurable results

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