Your visitor arrives on the page and they begin to wonder…

  • Am I in the right place?  Is this for me?

  • Is this website going to take too much of my time/attention/energy?

  • What does this business ultimately want me to do?

  • Can I trust this business?

  • Do they understand what I need?

  • What do they do exactly? What solutions do they provide?

  • Why should I care?

  • How does it work? How hard is it to succeed?

  • Have other people been successful?

  • Is this business the BEST choice?

  • Are there experts and real human beings at the wheel? Do they care about me? Do I like them?

  • What are people saying about their experience and results?

  • What can I get for free here?

  • What's my next step?

  • How can I stay informed and connected with this business?

  • What am I having for dinner? (Let's be real – we’re all easily distracted)


Typically, we’ll have less than ten seconds to make a positive impression and satisfy the first five questions running through the mind of our website visitors.

If those questions are unanswered, they’re likely to ‘bounce’ away from your website altogether.

What’s a Bounce Rate?

A bounce rate is a metric that describes the percentage of people that land on your homepage and then click off without exploring other areas of your site.

Your bounce rate should be as low as possible, somewhere below 50%.

If it's high, that means you're missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with your visitors and convince them to continue down the page.

The Grunt Test

Step 1: Grab someone who’s never seen your website before.

Step 2: ​Open your website homepage and let them view it for 3 seconds without scrolling. Yep, 3 seconds is all they get! ​Then close the laptop or turn the phone over.

Step 3: Now ask them:

  • What do you remember about the page?

  • What’s the main ‘call to action?’

  • As an ideal prospect for our services/products, do you feel you’re in the right place?

  • What questions are you asking yourself at this point?

"Basically, could a caveman look at your website and immediately grunt what you offer? (In 3 seconds.)​ 1. “You make cupcakes! 2. Cupcakes yummy and fresh! 3. Me call to order cupcakes!"  

-Donald Miller, founder of StoryBrand

If your homepage didn’t quite pass the Grunt Test with your sample visitor, it likely also won’t pass the Grunt Test with Google - and that could mean your homepage doesn’t get found by the very people searching for your solutions.

One last point.

The marketplace is competitive. Your visitors have options. Make sure you’re their TOP choice by making your home page about THEM and your commitment to THEIR success.

The real hero in your business isn’t you. It’s your CLIENT.

We can all sense when a business values this fundamental truth and it draws us in. So it’s time well-spent to create a captivating homepage that articulates this and persuades your ideal clients and supporters to stick around and click.

Let’s get started!

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