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Cynthia Berg Cynthia Berg

Brand Color Psychology In a Nutshell

How do you want people to feel when they experience your brand?

Color has the power to make us feel a certain way. It’s sensory, symbolic, has ritual and cultural meaning. In marketing, color can influence consumer reactions and behaviors, as well as contribute to brand recognition.

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Business Cynthia Berg Business Cynthia Berg

Checklist when starting a business

The checklist you need when starting a business, outlining all the phases of development including laying your business foundation, building your business, launching and growing, and adapting to change in the business landscape.

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Business Cynthia Berg Business Cynthia Berg

12-Month VIP Day Agenda

You may have heard it called a VIP day or retreat day. I call it an INNOVATION DAY. Schedule a day, at least monthly to reflect and innovate - even better if you include your team or collaborators. Ensure you set the right agenda so you can stay focused on one important aspect of your business. Here’s a month-by-month plan you can follow.

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